


就順道講講我的心得,也讓自己思緒整理一下 :)

跟大部分的新手一樣, 該囊括的全部進了畫面
慢慢的發現, 拍出來的照片都一樣, 沒有"焦點"
畫面很鬆散, (雖然我後來才知道什麼是鬆散的畫面)

按了10-20張的快門, 總得不到自己想要的照片
就開始減少按快門的張數, 甚至除了為小朋友留下紀錄外, 都沒有再按快門了

然後開始看別人的作品, 從網路上, 從書籍上, 從朋友的作品上
花了很多的時間看了國內網路上大家的作品, 大部分都沒有太多的驚人之作

直到有一天, 在誠品隨手翻了一名知名攝影家的書籍裡面的一段話
"XXX, 走, 我們來去看XXX的攝影展, 不要花時間看一般的照片, 讓你的眼睛習慣大師的作品"
我才驚覺的發現, 原來在攝影上, 我的時間可以用在更棒的地方,

於是, 我開始看搜尋國際知名攝影師的照片與文章, 還有他們提及的其他他們欣賞的攝影師與文章
並且, 我開始找尋運用在攝影裡的元素, 我發現, 很多的元素在大師的作品裡都會不著痕跡的出現
相對於設計過的商品拍攝或是人像外拍, 我更喜歡即時瞬間的拍攝
而這個風格, 剛好是布列松及馬格南一派的風格, 所以我大量的看馬格南攝影師們的作品

每個人都可以選擇他喜歡的方式, 偶而跨過去或兩樣都試試也都很好

我個人則是在即時隨性的攝影裡去加入設計, 或是用構圖來稱謂好一點
這裡的"設計"或是"構圖", 是要在瞬間拍攝的時候加入讓其他觀賞者看到你眼睛的延伸...
看看我介紹的"攝影家之眼"那本書, 會發現即使是一張經過"設計"的"隨拍', 眼睛也會跟著攝影師的"設計"而遊走於照片間

攝影裡, 可以很寬, 也可以很深, 更是一項有趣的生涯興趣



我們拍了幾次外拍, 想分享一下

9點到了之後準備一下, 熱絡之後已經是約9:30
所以除非躲到陰暗下或是室內, 要不然外面的陽光幾乎是太過於flat(一時想不到中文適當的字@@)

而如果是2:00-5:00的話, 3:30以後的陽光一直可以拍到5:30-6:00甚至到7:00的剩餘陽光加閃燈都不錯, 可以參考看看

第一次在WELOVE我覺得不錯, 雖然是上午, 但是在室內, 光線夠, 也不會直射model比較好控制, 室內我拍的比較多, 到了室外已經是11:00
陽光垂直射在model上, 我拍的就比較少了, 純欣賞model比基尼戲水的美景... :rolleyes:

第二次2008嘉年華, 下午2:00左右開始拍車子, 因為陽光開始斜射, 所以就慢慢拍, 到了4-5點, 斜射造成的陰影打在人身上比較有立體感, 所以開始拍人比較多

第三次在士林官邸, 我記得沒有太強的陽光, 慢慢的拍, 到了11:00有些陽光的時候, 我們躲到樹下屋子旁, 那裡的陽光比較有遮蔭也比較有穿透的效果

先前常去竹圍的沙灘, 幾乎每天4:00-6:00pm都有婚紗攝影組來取夕陽的光線, 並搭配反光版及閃燈

攝影是對光線的藝術, 注意光線, 就會注意到很多不一樣的東西


轉載--Canon EOS 5D轉接鏡頭相容列表

5D Compatibility List

Hi all!

*************LIST UPDATED: Aug 12 2006**************
Carl Zeiss for Contax/Yashica - adapter: C = Cameraquest, D = DSLReXchange, E = Elephoto, F = Fotodiox, FH = Foto Huppert, H = Haoda, N = Novoflex, P = Pham Min Son, S = Shell (Bob Shell)

MC = Mirror Clearance OK, IF = Infinity Focus OK - ATTENTION: MC and/or IF tags absence means they must be tested, NOT that they don't work!


Wide/Ultra-wide angle lenses
- Distagon 3.5/15 link ( C, D ) - (Leica version MOD)
- F-Distagon 2.8/16 (fisheye) link - MC; IF - ( C, F )
- Distagon 4/18 AE version ( MM version does NOT work ) link - MC; IF - ( C )
- Distagon 2.8/21 link - MC; IF - ( C, F, S )
- Distagon 2.8/25 AE - MC; IF - ( F )
- Distagon 2.8/25 MM link - MC; IF - ( C )
- Distagon 2/28 AE link ( C, F, P)
- Distagon 2.8/28 link - MC; IF - ( C -MM version-, F, S )
- Distagon 1.4/35 AE link - MC; IF - ( C, F )
- Distagon 2.8/35 MM link - MC; IF - ( C, F )
- PC-Distagon 2.8/35 link - MC; IF - ( C, F )

Normal/Standard lenses
- Planar 1.4/50 link - MC - ( C, F )
- Planar 1.7/50 link ( C, F, S ) - ( GREEN F16 mark version works, WHITE F16 mark version may have problems.)

Telephoto lenses
- Sonnar 1.2/85 60th Anniversary Edition (Tested with cheap adapter sanded down to 1.48 - will NOT work with C adapter)
- Planar 1.4/85 AE - MC; IF - ( F )
- Sonnar 2.8/85 link - MC; IF - ( C )
- Planar 2/100 link - MC; IF - ( C, F, S )
- Sonnar 3.5/100 link - MC; IF - ( F, S )
- Sonnar 2.8/135 link - MC; IF - ( F, S )
- Sonnar 2.8/180 AE - MC; IF - ( F - NOTE: the finn doesn't have to be shaved with C adapter)
- Tele-Tessar 4/300 - MC; IF - ( E )

Zoom lenses
- Vario-Sonnar 3.4/35-70 link - MC; IF - ( C, F, FH, S )
- Vario-Sonnar 3.3-4.0/28-85 link - MC; IF - ( C, F, S )
- Vario-Sonnar 3.3/4.5/35-135 MM - MC; IF - (Chinese EBay Adapters -FS-)
- Vario-Sonnar 3.5/40-80 - MC; IF - (Chinese EBay Adapters -FS-)
- Vario-Sonnar 3.5/70-210 - MC; IF - (Chinese EBay Adapters -FS-)

Macro lenses
- Makro-Planar 2.8/60C (1:2 version) link - MC; IF - ( C, F, S )
- Makro-Planar 2.8/60 (1:1 version) link - (Chinese EBay Adapters -FS-)
- Makro-Planar 2.8/100 link - MC - ( C, F and thick adapters only)


- Mutar II T* 2x lens converter link


- Sonnar 2/135 60th Anniversary Edition (Tested with C adapter)

NOT TESTED YET - most popular CZ lenses (wide, normal, tele)

- Distagon 2/28 MM

Olympus OM Zuiko - adapter: C = Cameraquest, MR = Mr Rolfo, PT = Pro-Technica

MC = Mirror Clearance OK, IF = Infinity Focus OK - ATTENTION: MC and/or IF tags absence means they must be tested, NOT that they don't work!


Wide/Ultra-wide angle lenses and Fish Eye
- Zuiko 3.5/16 Fish Eye - MC - ( C )
- Zuiko 3.5/18 - MC - ( C )
- Zuiko 2/21 ( C )
- Zuiko 3.5/21 - MC - ( C, MR and Chinese EBay Adapters)
- Zuiko 2.8/24 - MC - ( C, PT )
- Zuiko PC 3.5/24 Shift - MC - ( C, PT)
- Zuiko 2/28 - MC - ( C )
- Zuiko 3.5/28 ( C )
- Zuiko 2.8/35 ( C )
- Zuiko PC 2.8/35 Shift ( C )

Normal/Standard lenses
- Zuiko 1.2/50 ( C )
- Zuiko 1.2/55 ( C )

Telephoto lenses
- Zuiko 2/90 ( C )

The lists above are NOT complete. I've considered only the most used CZ/Oly OM lenses on Canon systems. Feel free to expand/correct the lists, this is only a personal humble effort to try to help people like me involved in CZ and/or Olympus OM lenses.

The lists cannot be considered an absolute point of reference but only an indicative guide, because, as noted by other FMers here (Cinstance and MarkSaperstein), adapter's machining precision could vary from piece to piece and a lens that works or not is a matter of very little tolerances (0.1-0.3 millimeters).

5D MIRROR MOD by FMer kidigital HERE & HERE (for those of you that don't mind about warranty and are strong enough)

Tuning Adapters For C/Y Zeiss Lenses. Topic started by Don Clary. Contains very useful informations about adapters, correct thicknesses for every wideangle, tolerances and more.

Zeiss Service Informations - Many thanks to John Luke "jjlphoto".

Go to this LINK.

Go to "Service and Maintanance", then to "Function Test". They have a "Test Cover Letter" linked as a download for you to fill out. I have them do their 7 Point Function Test as described on the web site. The cost is 49EU. If you decide to only do the test itself, you pay the 49EU. If you proceed with their recommended repairs, such as cleaning, mechanism adjustments, etc, that 49EU gets applied to that repair. They also have a link to a cover letter for a specific repair, if that is all you want done.

The service contact is:

Mr. Helmut Bajerke, Service Manager

Carl Zeiss AG
Photo Service
73446 Oberkochen

Telefon/Phone: +49 7364 20 3954
Fax: +49 7364 20 4716
mobile: +49 171 3025 969
Zeiss Germany